Tuesday 28 October 2014

100 Days Project

100 days.  It's a long time isn't it?  99 seems so much shorter when you compare both numbers together.  

About a week ago I completed the 100 Days Project, whereby the idea is to choose one creative exercise, and then repeat it every day for 100 days.  Record each daily effort and see what evolves in the work and in the self over time. 

I decided to use photography as my medium and used the 'Five Ways to Wellbeing' as my theme.  Under the Upbeat Collective guise, I purposely chose this theme as a way to explore five actions that are important for building the wellbeing of individuals, families and communities.  I will explain them in greater detail over the coming months, but in the meantime you can check out this link for more information on them.  http://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/page/1180-five-ways-to-wellbeing

In a nutshell the 5 actions are:
CONNECT.  Talk and listen, be there, feel connected. 
GIVE.  Your words, your time, your presence.
TAKE NOTICE.  Remember the simple things that give you joy. 
KEEP LEARNING.  Embrace new experiences, see opportunities, surprise yourself. 
BE ACTIVE.  Do what you can, enjoy what you do, move your mood. 

Below are some of the photos I took during the project.  Coming up with new ideas to portray each of the actions wasn't too difficult (I love being creative) but after day 75, I noticed it was becoming more tiring to be disciplined each day.  Nevertheless, I made it (woo hoo!) and I'm pleased to share it with you.  You can see the whole collection by going onto the Upbeat Collective Facebook page, or check out the 100 Days Project website:  http://100daysproject.co.nz/project/2014/1748

Day 3:  Chop Suey 101.  Keep learning.

Day 14.  Hello.  Give.

Day 16.  Avondale.  Be active. 

Day 28.  Oh deer.  Connect.
Day 30.  Beach Therapy.  Be active.

Day 38.  Rangitoto. Be active.

Day 48.  As seen on campus 2.  Take notice. 

Day 60.  Grapefruit.  Take notice. 

Day 71.  Doubtful Sound 2.  Keep learning. 

Day 93.  Selfie.  Connect.

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